01 April 2009


Rainy season has started early this year. That means electricity is becoming a scarce commodity. It doesn't help that Laos sells the majority of its electricity to Thailand. Then turns around and buys watts from China though not enough to prevent frequent blackouts in smaller provinces.

So to conserve power, I chose to partake in alternative activities for entertainment.

"Panning" for gold in the Mekong river.
There is a large quantity of very fine gold flakes distributed among the sands of the giant riverbed. Through the murky water, you can see the flakes flaunting their brilliant color in the hot midday sun. Dazzling. Yet a bit weird considering all the decaying shacks glaring at me from the river banks. It sort of feels like a big sarcastic joke.

This is the one time I really wished I had a camera. Since the death of my trusty Canon, I've been to heartbroken to buy another. Yeah, I know I'm too sentimental.